Latest Episodes

Revolutionizing Pickleball: Crown Pickleball’s Unique Ball Design
In a recent episode of Sleeves Senior Pickleball Report, Mike Sleeves Sliwa sat down with Kevin Perkins from Crown Pickleball to discuss the quest...

Pro and Physical Therapist Drops Pickleball Knowledge!
(September 13, 2023) Join Sleeves as he dives into the world of pickleball with Jennifer Gallwas from Naples JBB United. Get ready to enhance...

Hive Support Revealed: Senior Pickleball Report Interview with Gregory Storm by Mike Sliwa
Discover the Remarkable Craftsmanship of R.A.W. Paddles: A Fascinating Interview with Gregory Storm on the Sleeves Senior Pickleball Report. Learn how R.A.W. combines innovation...

Carol Ann DeMarco Reveals Pickleball Is Life Details!
In the latest episode of Sleeves Senior Pickleball Report, host Mike Sliwa, also known as Sleeves, engages in a hilarious conversation with the creators...

Champion Alex Simon's Kenya Trip: A Pickleball Journey of Impact and Inspiration
Welcome to the latest episode of Sleeves Senior Pickleball Report! Join us as host Mike Sliwa chats with champion pickleball pro Alex Simon about...

From Dream to Reality: Santa Barbara Happy's Journey to Becoming a Pickleball Apparel Powerhouse!
Discover the fascinating world of pickleball custom apparel in this captivating interview between Mike Sliwa and Lauren, the talented designer and CEO of Santa...